关于旅游的英语作文初二题目(关于旅游的英语作文初二) 题目希望对大家有所帮助哦
1、语作语作I like traveling. Now,文初文初 I want to say something about one of my journeys. This April, when I was a volunteer teacher in Gansu, I had a second trip to Dunhuang, which was a major outpost along the Silk Road. Dunhuang is famous for its mural art. Mogao Grottoes is the most well-known. Besides, the Singing Sands Mountain and the Crescent Moon Lake, Jade Gate Pass, Yang Guan Pass and Yardang Landform are also very, very famous. Since I was the second to Dunhuang, all are familiar to me. I called a taxi to the Singing Sands Mountain and the Crescent Moon Lake Park in the morning. I stayed in the park for a whole day. A lot of game projects are full of adventure, such as Mountain Climbing, Land Surfing, Off-road motorcycle and Mountaintop sliding, and so on. Also, I climbed the mountain and took a lot of photos of the spectacular sunset. The most bewitching time is the dusk, when the sun is sinking behind the sand hills and gilding the clouds. The magnificent desert is aglow with the red sunset. It can be described by a Tang Poetry created by Wangwei.” From wastes of sand one smoke plume rises sheer, Past the long river the round sun sinks low.” What a beautiful moment! When I left for the urban to have a dinner, it is nearly 9 o’clock. The night view of Dunhuang is so beautiful and charming. When I opened the knapsack and took out the camera to be going to take photos, and I found my camera is lost. It was an unfortunate situation. Although I spent a lot of time and effort to look for, it failed at last. It was too terrible to continue the next journey in the mood. I thought I should end the journey ahead. It is fortunately not to end the journey. Some unexpected harvests are pleasantly surprised. The feeling of journey without camera is more relaxed. I realize the meaning of journey is feeling with our own eyes and hearts, not the camera.。
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